Happy Sunday, folks! It’s unusual for me to be blogging on a Sunday, and even more unusual to post a workout. Sundays are my day of rest, in all ways… because I know Monday’s a-comin…
But as I was looking over my workout book to see what kind of heinous torture fun exercise we’re going to do in bootcamp tomorrow, I came across our ladder workout from 2 weeks ago. Just eyeballing the simple progression on paper made me wanna do it again.
The ladder workout is aptly named, because for each given exercise, you work your way up in numbers of reps, then you work your way back down, resting minimally between sets. You wind up doing a phenomenal number of reps for each exercise this way, and you usually hit that unique feeling of muscular failure. I like ladder workouts best with body weight exercises, but they are also effective with traditional gym exercises using free weights (but you will likely want to go down on your weights.)
I wrote this workout using only 4 exercises: 2 upper body, 1 lower body, and 1 cardio/full-body. The full workout including warm-up and cool-down will take you around 45 minutes. Looking at it on paper, it doesn’t look so bad… mwahahaha…
Give it a try!
Rest about 30 seconds between each set, and 2 minutes between each exercise.
Warm-up: run/walk 5-7 minutes
25 Kettle bell swings
Cool-down: run/walk 5 minutes, stretch
Have fun! Blessed Sunday to all.
Brilliant Rebecca! I am still loving your blog although not getting quite as much time as I did in the Philippines to try out all the delicious recipes! Oh, How I wish I still had Malou.? I’ll definitely be doing this workout though!
Morag x
Morag, yes I’m sure your time is more regimented now… oh the things we take for granted living here! 😉 I miss you tons in bootcamp… and I’m sure you would have loved doing the burpee ladder with us, lol. But now you can do it on your own… 😉 Have fun! xo
This looks killer but so up my alley!! And if I could find a sub for the rows, I could even do it right in my apartment. Crazy how much more manageable everything seems when it’s broken up like this as opposed to thinking “alright, time to do 85 push-ups”! Thanks for the idea… I’ll report back when I try it!
Jacklyn, this workout is so fun and you don’t even notice you’re doing 85 pushups… hopefully, ha! If you have dumbbells, you can do bent-over rows… but if not, just substitute with “superman”: lie face-down on your stomach, arms by your sides. For each rep, lift your upper body off the floor, turning your palms away from you, thumbs pointing up. Do the same number of reps as for the rows. Have fun and please let me know how it went. 🙂