Some things are not meant to be…
Last Saturday my family piled into the car and drove to the airport for a multi-family vacation to Bohol. I planned on having fun with family & friends and posting an awesome beach bootcamp workout- since nearly half of my early morning class would be there at the resort as well!
But alas, this was not to be…
Our flight was cancelled due to the dense haze caused by the annual burning of the rice fields in Indonesia. Dozens of flights were cancelled that day and likely the next, all over Southeast Asia.
Not to be deterred, we quickly (ok, within 24 hours, but that’s still pretty good!) changed gears and relocated to a place largely unaffected by the haze and better yet, accessible by land and sea, not plane- Sunset Resort at Puerto Galera. Three of the original 4 families made it… not bad, hey?

I needed this get-away so much. For the past month, I’ve worked too much, worked out way too much, and spent too much time away from my kiddos. And on the flip side, I haven’t slept enough, haven’t played enough, and haven’t eaten enough… not a good combination for health any way you look at it.
So, the first morning after our arrival in Puerto Galera, all 14 of us ranging in age from 6-67 hiked an hour (each way!) through the jungle up to a waterfall that plunges into a deep, shockingly cold pool. Along the way, we ambled through little settlements along the stream, watching villagers going about their daily business and calling out friendly hellos. Farther up, we began crossing back & forth over the stream, and each time we did so, we interrupted people doing the family washing or collecting the daily water. They didn’t seem to mind that we were walking through their laundry room… after a few curious looks from them, we just exchanged “good mornings” and went on our way.
But I was struck by how different our lives seemed- how much slower and less hectic. I realise how much stress I’ve allowed into my life by sheer “busy-ness”… ever feel that way?? Why do I feel the need to DO so much? Why do I get such gratification out of ACCOMPLISHMENT, rather than just BEING?
What is the measure of my worth, anyway- how many Instagram followers I have or how many blog hits I get per week? I think not… there is one evaluator of my worth and He is not on Instagram…
Don’t get me wrong- ambition is not an inherently bad thing. It ignites achievement, or much of it anyway. However, those of us who are propelled by an inner (over-) drive always need to take care not to be overwhelmed by it… A good friend of mine who has now passed away used to often admonish me, “Be gentle with yourself.” How right she was.
We all need to take time every so often to put aside what we think is urgent and do instead what is actually important. For me this weekend, it was not to blog or work out or eat anything with chia seeds. I needed instead to invest in some of my most dear relationships… enjoy the sunset with my Pa & my friends… soak up the sunshine… back-paddle with Sara in the kayak until we were dizzy… watch Tommy get buried up to his neck in sand… do a handstand on the seawall…
And I seriously needed to take this flying leap into the waterfall pool hidden deep in the Philippines jungle… because in every way, I needed to be refreshed.
Some things are meant to be.
So glad to hear your vacation went well despite …….
I enjoyed reading your post – so true!
Thanks, Menchu! Yes, it was a wonderful break and a great reminder to slow down… 🙂