I love days like today… one of planning, preparing, and doing… one of feeling ahead and not behind… of being proactive and not reactive. This doesn’t happen often! But I’m hoping it happens more, because one of my goals for 2016 is planning more planning days.
Today started with the green smoothie like always, along with a piece of rye toast, peanut butter, and a clementine orange.
I’m soooo sore from yesterday’s bootcamp, which I’ll give you later this week. I figured “running out” the soreness at today’s endurance class would help, but no. My quads are still in pain. Today’s workout did make me hungry though! I love being hungry after a good workout because then I get to eat again.
I made this gorgeous smoothie from frozen dark cherries, beet juice leftover from dye-ing Theda’s birthday cake frosting, almond milk, and half a scoop of Vega One protein powder.
Then I went off to Bible study and I’m sure everyone was wondering why I kept massaging my sore thighs… but I don’t know, maybe they’re all used to it by now. In any case, I love these ladies and love studying God’s word with them.
I was starving again when I came home! I had this giant salad with a leftover southwest lentil burger, some marinated tofu, and salsa for dressing.
I finished off with a vegan brownie and that energised me for my afternoon, which included catching up on half a week’s baking for my family’s work, school, and at-home snacks…
First I made a batch of banana oat cookies (a staple at my house) then concocted a new muffin recipe using the pulp left over from making my almond milk. They turned out really well! I used the pulp, almond butter, applesauce, a couple tablespoons of ground chia seeds, a splash of maple syrup, orange juice & zest, and coconut flour. And chocolate chips, of course. Winner! I’ll give you the complete recipe soon.
After that I sat down to organize my editorial calendar for The Expat Dietitian. This is another one of my 2016 goals… I want to be more intentional about the content I post so it’s thoughtful and balanced, and I think the editorial calendar is a good way to do that.
And I had this plate of papaya somewhere along the way…
Dinner was a recipe courtesy Jacklyn of Jack’s Balancing Act. She is a Canadian dietetics student and also writes an intelligent, informative, and thought-provoking blog. Check her out! This veggie-packed baked egg dish was absolutely delicious, perfect for the whole family, and will definitely make it onto our regular circuit.
Of course we had leftover birthday cake for dessert! Happy happy birthday to my sweet and darling Theda! She chose a fantastically yummy and very easy cake, and I coloured the middle layer and the frosting with beet juice- cool trick! This was the first time I tried this but I’ll never go back to red food dye again.
Here’s to catching up and planning ahead… may it last beyond January.
Awww Rebecca, thank you so much for your words – they encouraged me more than you could know. And oh my is this day of food ever up my alley! So great that you found a tasty use for your almond pulp. And Theda’s cake is just beautiful. Hope she had a great birthday 🙂
Thanks so much, Jacklyn, she did! 🙂 And I hope everyone who read my post has a chance to make your egg bake, and more importantly, visit your site and “meet” you! Have a great day!