What Happened When I Didn’t Work Out

O'Heynes Abbey

I always pack my workout gear when I travel.  Usually, a pile of it… workout tights & sports bras are allotted an embarrassingly high percentage of volume in my suitcase. Even knowing how much we were going to be traveling on our Irish vacation these past 11 days, I hopefully packed 2 outfits and figured I wouldn’t sweat that much in the cooler weather.

Sara and I traveled by every transportation mode available: plane, train, automobile… ferry, taxi, and on foot.  Ok, so we didn’t go by helicopter, but whatever, you get the picture.  It was a wonderful, travel-ful holiday with plenty of late nights and early mornings.  And I just didn’t get to work out as much as I’d planned.

We weren’t completely inactive, though.  Along with all the schlepping of the suitcases and lifting them into the trains and walking around and whatnot, here’s what I did do…

Ireland bootcamp

Two mini-bootcamps with my lovely aunties in Ennis, Ireland.  I’m sure the rest of the hotel guests wish we’d slept in, given that we worked out in the courtyard, and sound carries…

Irish handstand

A few handstands, because, you know… I just do…

Chapel in Ennis, Ireland

A long, rainy walk around the town of Ennis, stopping to pray at this lovely chapel…

And another long walk with my dear friend in London.  That and a few pull-ups on her new pull-up bar (just to make sure it works!) was all I did in the way of purposeful exercise.  And I have to say I felt a little strange about not exercising every day like I do at home, with my usual intensity that leaves me lying on my yoga mat in a pool of sweat at the end of the session.

I’ve always just reckoned that’s what it takes, day in and day out, to keep me in shape.  And I would never on purpose not exercise. First of all, I love working out and I love the way it makes me feel.  And secondly, isn’t breaking the routine automatically the beginning of a downhill slide??  I mean, then I’m gonna start finding excuses to not exercise, gain weight, start eating junk food, etc…

Actually, none of that happened.

I returned from Ireland in pretty much the same physical condition that I left, except for being a bit lot tired and jet-lagged!  My weight stayed the same, I can still lift the same heavy dumbbells, and most importantly, I couldn’t wait to get back to my regular exercise routine. Bootcamp this morning felt sooooo good!!!  I’m gonna be a heckuva sore thing tomorrow, I’m not fooling myself… but as of right now, I feel fantastic.

So there you go, lesson learned… I’m always learning lessons even at age 46, and I hope that never stops.  Taking a little break every now and then not only won’t cause the world to end, it can actually be good for you.  Or me, as the case may be.

Hugs from your slightly-less-obsessed-dietitian…


4 thoughts on “What Happened When I Didn’t Work Out”

  1. The great thing about packing to exercise is that most of the the items don’t take up much room in the suitcase! So happy you had a nice time and I hope you had a beer in Ireland. It was great to have you back this morning for boot camp!

  2. It was such fun to do a mini boot camp with you. Made me feel way less guilty about that wonderful Irish cider…… You are a treasure! See you next summer!

    Much love,
    Aunt A

    1. The cider, right?? So good! Sooo wonderful to spend time with you, working out, walking, praying, talking, and just being. Loved every moment- cherish you! Enjoy the rest of your holiday and see you in summer!! love & big hugs to you… xoxox

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