Confessions of a First-Time Bodybuilder (Part 2)
Hello friends! I’m writing this from my hammock at the beach, basking in the glow of the warm sunset and the memories of my first bodybuilding competition 10 days ago.
Hello friends! I’m writing this from my hammock at the beach, basking in the glow of the warm sunset and the memories of my first bodybuilding competition 10 days ago.
Hello friends! I’m now 18 days away from competing in my first-ever bodybuilding competition! Somehow passing the 3-week mark has made it seem SO CLOSE!!! I’ve been training for this since mid-November 2016, and now the finish line is in sight. According to my coach, I’m coming in right on track. And I feel on …
Confessions of a First-Time Bodybuilder (Part 1) Read More »